domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2013

Geography (unit II)

-Temperature: The mildst of the Earth's three climate zones. It is moderate and it have precipitations.
-Oasis: A small area in a desert with water and vegetation.
-Precipitation: A form of water that falls to the Earth's surface.
-Settlement: A place whee people have gone to live and where no or few people lived before.
-Livestock: Domestic animals raised on farms.
-Scrub: Low trees o shrubs that grow in areas with little rain.
-Holm oak: It's a type of tree.
-Logging:  The work of felling trees and transporting the logs for sale.
-Deforestation:  Is the removal of a forest or stand of trees where the land is thereafter converted to a non-forest use.
-Savannah; A flat grassland in tropical or subtropical regions.
.Taiga:  The forests located in the Earth's
-Tundra: The vast, treeless area in the Artic regions with low-growing vegetation such as lichens and mosses.
-Jungle: An area with lush vegetation and high rainfall with and equatorial climate.
-Desert: And area f land that receives less than 250 mm of rain per year. Deserts can be hot, cold or polar. 
-Steppe: A grassy plain usually without trees
-Deciduous: A type of tree that loses all of its leaves in autumm.
-Evergreen forest:  Is a forest consisting entirely or mainly of evergreen trees.
-Meadwos: An area of grassland.

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