martes, 17 de junio de 2014


General warm up:
First of all you will run for one minute. In the race you can include some exercises like swimming.
Then you will stretch from bottom to top. This means that you will start from the ankles and you will end with the fingers.
The first step is to make circles with the ankles, 30 seconds per ankle. Then you continue up and stop the knees. You put them together and, as with the other exercise, you make circles. First to one side and then to the other side.
The third step is doing the same but with the waist and with the wrists. And then you move your fingers.

These are called articular movements.
In terms of muscular exercises, you will start stretching your calves. You put your foot behind the other.
Then you cross your legs and put one hand on your knee.
And you will continue by stretching  your arms and shoulders.
These ones are muscular streching and articular movements.

Then it’s the time for playing! (Specific warm up)
In pairs you will take a ball and start with the exercises. They consist of passing the ball doing the different types of hits, trying to combine different hits and not always doing the same hit. It will be perfect if, while you are doing this, you and your partner try to move along  the court. After 10-15 minutes doing this, you will make groups of 4 and, with a net, you will play two against two (remember that you must use the hits)
For the cool down, you will do the same as you did in the general warm up.

sábado, 7 de junio de 2014

Geography (Unit X)

-Cereals: Grasses grown for the edible components to their grain.
-Mortgage: A loan to finance the purchase of private residential or commercial property.
-Speculation: Investment in stocks, property or other assets in the hope of gain, but with the risk of loss.
-Crop: A cultvated plant to be harvested as food, animal fodder, fuel or for any other economic purpose.
-Cultural heritage: The things, places and practices that define who we are as individuals.
-Domestic tourism: Tourism in which tourists do not leave their own country.
-Large-scale tourism:  Travel and accommodatio offered to large groups at affordable prices by tour operators.
-Tour operators: A company that combines tour and travel components to cater for large-scale tourism.
-High-speed rail: A type of rai transport involving high-speed trains.
-Recession: A business cycle contractio a general slowdown in economic activity.

Geography (Unit IX)

-Freight: Goods or produce transported by ship, aricraft, train, lorry or van.
-Flow: the movement of goods or money.
-Exports: goods or services that are sold outside the country where they are produced.
-Imports: goods or services that are brought into a country from abroad for sale.
-Balance of trade: the difference between the monetary value of the exports and the imports of a country.
-Retail: A type of trade in which businesses, such as shops, sell small quantities of goods directly to consumers.
-Wholesale: Trade in which buyers purchase large quantities of goods and sell them, in smalles quantities, to other companies. Individual consumers do not have access to these markets.
-Trade bloc: A group of coutries that join together to form an area with special trade regulations.
-Transport network: The connection of roads, railway lines, ports or airports that facilitate the transport of goods and/or people.
-Market: The meeting of buyers and sellers of goods and services. Markets can be tangible or abstract.
-Infrastructure: The basic physical and organisational structures needed for an economy to function.
-Trade: The buying and selling of goods to meet the needs of the population.
-Tourism: A sector dedicated to travel for recreational, leisure or business purposes.
-Public services: Services that cover the basic needs of the population and contribute to its well-being, such as education and healthcare.
-Private services: Services that are offered and managed by private companies.