martes, 11 de febrero de 2014

Geography (Unit V)

-Constitutional monarchy: A system of government in which the king is the head of state but the parliament chooses the government.
-The crown: The part of a constitutional monarchy represented by the king.
-Arbitrator: A person chosen to decide a dispute or settle differences. In a constitutional monarchy, the king is the arbitrator between governmental institutions.
Decentralised government: A system of government in which decision-making is devolved to a local level and is therefore closer to the citizens.
-Ministers: Government officials that, together with the president, make up the Spanish cabinet.
-Municipality: The most basic administrative body in the Spanish territory. It's made up of one or sseveral settlements.
-Town council: The organisation that governs each municipality in Spain.
-Counciliors: Government official that, together with the mayor, make up the town council.
-Province: An administrative body made up of several municipalities in the Spanish territory.
-Self-government: A system of government in which a community or region has authority to govern itself without the intervention of any other authority.
-Statute of Autonomy: A law describing the institutions, laws and responsabilities for each of the autonomous communities in the Spanish territory.
-Subsidiarity: The principle of devolving decisions to the lowest practical level so that services are closer to citizens.
-Autonomous community: One of 17 regions that form part of the Spanish territory with its own devolved government.
-Post-industrial society: A society in which the economy has undergone a shift from the production of goods to the provision of services.
-Well-being: The level of satisfaction of a population as measured by education levels, health care, life expectancy and consumption.
-Life expectancy: The number of years a person or population is expected to live.

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